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Dayton Bengals Nation Chapter


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I am the president of the Dayton Bengals Nation and we are a group of people that gather at one location to cheer for our Bengals!! We felt the need to do this so that we could claim one place as our own...away from all the Steelers and Browns fans!! We have an agreement with the establishment that we frequent and they have a section reserved just for us!! If you would like more information and would like to join us in the ayton area..please conatct me via email or go to the Bengals website and check us out in the Forum "Bengals Connections"

If you are not from the Dayton area but would like to start your own Bengals Nation chapter...pleae follow the same information above and I will help you out!!!

Who Dey!!!

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Dayton Bengals Nation Newsletter

Dateline..I am not sure as I amy still be drunk.

Sunday has come and gone and I can now take some time to reflect on the first ever meeting of the DBN. I believe we had about 20 people for the first game. (Marvin we missed ya) Not a bad turn out for the first event. We even had someone drive from Greenville to join us for the game and have his mouth severly burned from hot wings that were a little too spicy for him I think!!!!!

The day started with all of us standing outside waiting to get in and looking for MarvinWyche to show up. We all gravitated to Angela because she was holding the shirts. We took over the section in front of the big screen and left the section they tried to reserve for us for the families. (Tigerclaws has the cutest little girls I think I have ever seen!!!) Since we all were there early we had plenty of time to meet each other and get fully warmed up with some beers. Some of us were a little tipsy from the night before and others were smart and only had a beer and a half on Saturday. I am still not sure how you only have a half a beer but she made up for it on Sunday, right Angela!!!

Bengalsfan69 was the first to dive into the wings while Napolean headed straight for the famed Onion rings!!! WTUE was on hand to raffle of movie passes and tickets to the Bengals Falcons game on the Miller Lite party deck. Those tickets are great because you get free food and (mopre importantly) beer on the Party Deck. Well, the DBN members waited to win something and waited and waited and waited...Tigerclaws won the movie ticktes package that came with a poster and a towel! Then came time for the big drawing and low and behold Rommel42's friend wins the tickets to the game!!!! I must say that for someone who just one tickets to the game he didn't seem very excited. I probably would have hugged the guys from WTUE and made a mess in my pants!!! I mean free food and beer PLUS being at PBS amazing!!!!

As the day went on and my boy Justin Smith single handedly tore up KC, we all loosened up and seemed to get to know each other a little better. Someone even flirted with the "waitress". Oh wait...that was me!! (Angela, I told you not to post that picture!!!!! heck to pay woman, heck to pay!)

We got to see the first in a long string of Bengals victories and enjoy the company of the DBN members...well except for the Michigan fan! Scott (Chad85JohnsonAllDayLong) We are trading you fiance to the only Steeler fan that was in attendace (and got booed when he walked in)!!

I personally had a great time and was very pleased with the level of service we got from the staff and Talegators. The manager even gave me two free Bengals beer bottle coozies!! I am looking forward to the home and division opener next weekend and I hope to meet many new members and friends.

Thank you to all those that attended and made this game one to remember and for those that couldn't make make it, we look forward to meeting you and then probably making fun of you! That seems to be the way things work!!!!

Marvin and C.C. you guys caught alot of heck fo not being there!!! C.C. is it because you erased all the threads and wanted to give us some time to cool down??

Anyway, good times, good beer and better friends!!!! I will be talking to management sometime this week to work out a few more details. This is going to be an ongoing process and they seem very willing to work with us through the years to come.

That is all for this weeks installement of the Dayton Bengals Weekly!!!

Who Dey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dayton Bengals Nation Weekly

The Dayton Bengals Nation gathered once again for the 66th Battle of Ohio. We met at our beloved Talegators to make sure they Bengals tied up the series at 33 wins each. My wife and I arrived shortly before noon to find Sexy B and Cincinnati Belle and her son already there. Everyone finally got to meet MarvinWyche and Papa Wyche!!! It was nice having both of you guys there!! We all brought our bats to take out C.C.'s knees for the earlier deletions since he told everyone he would be here! Unfortunately our bats never got any use since the jarhead didn't show up!!! We missed ya and hope your reason for not making it isn't serious!!! It was great to be there with Bengalsfan69, Driver62, Napolean and the rest of the crew!!! I worked all day on converting the Falcons fan over to the Bengals and at the end of the day his girlfriend wanted to know how she could get a shirt!!!!! I also worked on converting Cincinnati Belle's son!! I am glad to hear that he is coming around!! Once again Tigerclaws and his pride were in attendance! I can't say enough about this great family!! I love seeing the support of the Bengals being passed down to other generations!!! Who Dey to the Tigerclaws pride!!!!!!

We all watched with excitement as the Bengals started working over the Browns. There was alot of nervous fans during some of the injuries. I think I chugged my beer in less than 30 seconds when Chad went down (By the way CJ...if ya put that bloody jersey on ebay I will buy it!)

Cincinnati Belle worked her way around the room taking pictures for the DBN in Angelas absence!! You were missed dearly Angela!! I had a few friends stop by to help us cheer on the Bengals to a 2-0 start!! One of these day I'm a Ben Gal will actually post on here!!

I am happy to say the Bengals did win (like there was ever any doubt) and some of the more dedicated drinkers started a new DBN tradition. The victory shot!! Even though they didn't wait for me and I had to drink my whiskey alone! Napolean liked the tradition so much he decided he would celebrate all by himself and have a second shot!!

Attention all DBN members....we were informed by the manager that the Dayton Daily News will be at Talegators sometime Sunday doing a story on sports bars for the go section!! I am asking that all 50 of the DBN members please attend this game (it is the Steelers after all) I would like us to make a good showing for this away game!!! Pittsburgh is a huge part of our sesaon and we will need everyone there to get rowdy and cheer for the Bengals!! Wear your most outrageous outfits, paint your faces. This is a big game not only for the Bengals but also for the DBN. If we have a big showing it will increase our chances of getting our name in print. This will help to increase the number of members we have in attendance each week!

Congratulations to our Bengals on another victory and thank you to all that showed up to support them!! I look forward to meeting lots of new people next week and seeing our teaM go 3-0!!

Oh, almost forgot, Talegators once again raffled off some Bengals merchandise and they will be doing this all year long. Once again we were shut out with not one DBN member winning. This can't go on all year long so show up and help us get our first winner!!!!!!


For more information go to http://boards.bengals.com/forums/ind...c=24520&st=225

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Where are all the Dayton fans???? We have the Dayton Daily News coming to Talegators this Sunday and I would like to get 50 plus Dayton Bengals Nation members at this game. We need all the help we can get. Remember that it cost nothing to join!! Please help out the DBN, Talegators and the Bengals by supporting us this Sunday!!!

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oh wow...thats interesting...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why don't you do the us all a favor and go ahead and jump off the Bandwagon...you have no idea what a true fan is!

Oh im a true fan im just saying that thats a lot of information all at once for you to expect for anyone to sit and read. try to space out your information maybe

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oh wow...thats interesting...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why don't you do the us all a favor and go ahead and jump off the Bandwagon...you have no idea what a true fan is!

Oh im a true fan im just saying that thats a lot of information all at once for you to expect for anyone to sit and read. try to space out your information maybe

There hasn't been a problem with anyone sitting and reading it on any other message board until now! I give you the first post and if that gets you interested than you can do one of two things....you can Pm me and we can talk further or you can go to http://boards.bengals.com/forums/index.php...4520&st=250 and read more about it and talk to our members.

There is no need to bash someone that is working hard to establish the Bengals Nation and become officially recognized by the Bengals org. We will even be working with the MLCF this year. So quit bashing and either say something positive or nothing at all!

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oh wow...thats interesting...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why don't you do the us all a favor and go ahead and jump off the Bandwagon...you have no idea what a true fan is!

Oh im a true fan im just saying that thats a lot of information all at once for you to expect for anyone to sit and read. try to space out your information maybe

There hasn't been a problem with anyone sitting and reading it on any other message board until now! I give you the first post and if that gets you interested than you can do one of two things....you can Pm me and we can talk further or you can go to http://boards.bengals.com/forums/index.php...4520&st=250 and read more about it and talk to our members.

There is no need to bash someone that is working hard to establish the Bengals Nation and become officially recognized by the Bengals org. We will even be working with the MLCF this year. So quit bashing and either say something positive or nothing at all!

Dude I really have no problem with you. I wasn't "bashing" you, just poking a little fun at the extent of your many posts in what seemed like seconds. Seriously I apologize if you took it the wrong way I was just trying to be a little funny

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Sorry....this is something that we are taking very seriously and I have had a few Steelers fans jump on some other Bengals MB's and talk smack today so I am probabaly a little angry right now. I wish that I was playing Sunday!! :angry:

Anyway, let's call it good!!! I apologize for any misconceptions. :cheers:

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I think I might come meet you guys at tailgators if I make it out that way. Bengals4life might come also.

Please come on down and make sure to introduce yourselves!!!!!

We won't be there this weekend but we'll make it up after the bye week. I saw the pictures you posted looks pretty fun. We currently go to a bar in Vandalia named Bunkers. The only problem with that place is the projection screens seem like they are from the sixties. So they have a very bad picture, but the food is great and the beer is the coldest in town. Welp, here's to seeing ya after the bye. Who-Dey.

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