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Kansas City Offensive Struggles


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Did anyone watch last nights Giants-Chiefs game? The loss of both starting tackles

for the Chiefs sure seems to be effecting the team a great deal. NY was constantly

driving the KC offensive line into the backfield and resestablishing the line of scrimmage.

During the 4th quarter CBS showed that through 2 games the KC offense has only managed

290 total yards offensively. The loss of 2 starting tackles could very well cost the Chiefs

any chance at the playoffs this year.

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Brian Waters is also missing, not to mention the guy replacing Willie isn't your normal backup, he's probably about 30 lbs light of 300 pounds.... While I'm not one to put to much stock in the early preseason offensive tells, it is going to be interesting to see how much the loss of offensive coordinator Al Saunders affects this team, coupled with the often dodgy playcalling/offensive philosophy of Herm Edwards. Without a real viable/reliable backup option at RB, I can see him running LJ into the ground and wearing him down come late season.

As this pertains to the Bengals, I hope that this could mean big things for Justin Smith, Brian Robinson, David Pollack come Week 1. But in order to set that up the Bengals are going to really have to shut down the run-game on 1st and definitely second down. I think Dexter Jackson plays a big role in keeping some sort of outside contain as he creeps up and pinches the line of scrimmage.

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Did anyone watch last nights Giants-Chiefs game? The loss of both starting tackles

for the Chiefs sure seems to be effecting the team a great deal. NY was constantly

driving the KC offensive line into the backfield and resestablishing the line of scrimmage.

During the 4th quarter CBS showed that through 2 games the KC offense has only managed

290 total yards offensively. The loss of 2 starting tackles could very well cost the Chiefs

any chance at the playoffs this year.

The Chief's secondary got torched by Eli too.

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I saw the Chiefs against the Texans also and they did not look good that game either, in both games the offense and defense were getting manhandled...I know that this is only preseason, but my confidence level went up a couple of notches after seeing those games...

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I didn't get a chance to watch the game last night but I did watch the highlights on ESPN & all I gotta say is if they play us the same way they did against the Giants then there's no way in hell they'll beat us in week one. :bengal:

Who Dey!!! :cheers:

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So I ran across this piece last week:


...and after reading the first item thought, well, yeah, that'd be nice, but that's drawing a lot from the first preseason (as the CHFF guys were quick to note themselves). But after watching KC stink up Giants Stadium last night, I have to ask if there isn't something there. Maybe it's Edwards, maybe it's the o-line losses (Roaf), or maybe it's just a couple bad weeks, but having to go to Arrowhead in week 1 is looking a lot less formidable now than it was just a couple weeks ago. :bengal:

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I didn't watch the entire game, but I did hear Troy Aikman comment on something we'd kicked around a few weeks ago. Aikman stated during the broadcast that Chief OLT Kyle Turley was much lighter than the Chiefs were claiming, and in Aikmans opinion Turley was currently no bigger than 270-275 lbs.

I tell ya, a Justin Smith bull rush is a very beautiful thing.

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The Chiefs have the look of a 5-11 team. I bet everyone who drafted Larry Johnson 1st or 2nd overall in their fantasy drafts are kicking themselves right now.

He'll still get his yards no matter how bad his team does.

Let me guess - you drafted him? :o

If so, feel for you man, it probably looked like a smart pick at the time. Here's the thing about Larry Johnson: he didn't get all those yards on his own last season. He's the kind of back who looks great when he has room to run - with his size and speed, when he's allowed an unimpeded course to the defensive secondary, yeah, he's going to put up huge numbers. But the fact that he regularly had open-field opportunities had nothing to do with his own abilities. And at his size, with a long stride, he's not going to create his own holes if the offensive line isn't getting it done.

Here's the other thing about Larry Johnson: last I saw he's not much of a pass blocker. If the Chiefs are a lousy team this year, and I think they will be, although Herm Edwards may squeeze a couple more wins out of them than my earlier 5-11 estimate, they'll be playing from behind a lot, which will eliminate the snaps of any player who isn't useful in the passing game. That means fewer touches for LJ.

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I really like herm and gotta hate to see him get knocked because chiefs go down hill from last season and he'll get blaimed when it was really the chiefs age....He wasen't that lucky chiefs have alot of freaking old players

Exactly. He's a great motivator, he'll keep that team competitive, but they just don't have the talent they did a few years back. I'm really not sure why anyone thought they'd be in the playoff mix this year.

Damn, last night they were the less talented team at every stage of the game, from the 1st string right back to the scrubs.

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So I ran across this piece last week:


...and after reading the first item thought, well, yeah, that'd be nice, but that's drawing a lot from the first preseason (as the CHFF guys were quick to note themselves). But after watching KC stink up Giants Stadium last night, I have to ask if there isn't something there. Maybe it's Edwards, maybe it's the o-line losses (Roaf), or maybe it's just a couple bad weeks, but having to go to Arrowhead in week 1 is looking a lot less formidable now than it was just a couple weeks ago. :bengal:

Let's see:

KC O-Line - real bad

KC Secondary - real bad

New KC coach - real bad

Chances of Chad going for 150 yards - real good

Chances Trent Green having over 6 total sacks & picks - real good

Chances of a Bengals win week 1 - REAL GOOD!

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I didn't watch the entire game, but I did hear Troy Aikman comment on something we'd kicked around a few weeks ago. Aikman stated during the broadcast that Chief OLT Kyle Turley was much lighter than the Chiefs were claiming, and in Aikmans opinion Turley was currently no bigger than 270-275 lbs.

I tell ya, a Justin Smith bull rush is a very beautiful thing.

Also: Turdley's back is brittle like uncooked spaghetti. He's not making it through this season.

Let's see:

Turley hasn't played tackle in a couple of years? Check.

Turley is damaged goods? Check.

Turley is about 50 pounds lighter than you'd like? Check.

Turley was originally hoping to maybe play TE this year becuase he knows his OL days are over? Check.

Yeah, glad we're playing them early.

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The Chiefs lost both of their starting tackles to retirement and G Will Shields was injured last

night. It appears as if Shields may not be ready to play on September 10 from some preliminary

reports. The loss of 3 starters along the OL could be very difficult for the Chiefs to overcome.

In addition the Chiefs, D has been giving up over 150 yards rushing in each of the 2 exhibition games. The Bengals chances of winning in one of the toughest stadiums in the NFL are definitely on the rise.


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The Chiefs lost both of their starting tackles to retirement and G Will Shields was injured last

night. It appears as if Shields may not be ready to play on September 10 from some preliminary

reports. The loss of 3 starters along the OL could be very difficult for the Chiefs to overcome.

In addition the Chiefs, D has been giving up over 150 yards rushing in each of the 2 exhibition games. The Bengals chances of winning in one of the toughest stadiums in the NFL are definitely on the rise.


Losing Shields is huge. There was a question on how long he'd go without an injury this season. That just made the Hall of Fame left side of KC's line into average at best. Larry Johnson is gonna have a bear of a time running the ball and Trent Green better hope for good blocking to save his blind side.

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