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this punk never visited the steeler board after palmers injury.


Trash-talking NFL fans waste no time reveling in Roethlisberger's misfortune

Thursday, June 15, 2006

By Ray Fittipaldo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

For those who thought Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Carson Palmer displayed a childish attitude in Sports Illustrated a few weeks back when he proclaimed "I hate the Steelers," wait until they get a load of what some Bengals fans had to say in the moments after Ben Roethlisberger's motorcycle accident Monday.

As the news and pictures were posted on internet Web sites, Bengals backers at Bengalsforum.com made light of the fact that the Steelers' quarterback had sustained severe injuries, with many of them proclaiming that justice had been served. A few Cincinnati fans said in their messages that it served Roethlisberger and the Steelers right because former Steelers defensive end Kimo von Oelhoffen, they contended, intentionally injured Palmer in an AFC wild-card game at Paul Brown Stadium in January.

"Irony, they cheap shot their way to a Super Bowl, now karma comes in," wrote a poster with the handle Spain.

Another poster with the handle jjakg27 wrote: "What comes around ..."

Cantonbengal posted: "This is what I been waiting to see happen to the Steelers they all laughed at us when Carson went down. At least, Carson isn't [stupid] like Ben ... hopefully he might miss some time this season."

The messages were posted in the moments or hours after the accident Monday when the severity of Roethlisberger's condition was unclear.

The ill will toward Roethlisberger and the Steelers was not confined to Cincinnati cyberspace. Message boards from around the NFL were filled with tasteless comments about Roethlisberger and the accident. At The brownsboard.com, a Cleveland Browns fan site, one poster dubbed the quarterback "Ben Toothlessberger" and noted that he is now "right at home with all those Pittsburgh inbreds."

A poster with the handle flugel wondered: "who is wearing a bigger turban today? Bin Laden or Ben Ridin'?" Flugel also noted that "there's something about Steelers quarterbacks bouncing off hard surfaces that keeps this rivalry fun."

That was a reference to Terry Bradshaw getting dumped on his head by Cleveland defensive lineman Joe "Turkey" Jones at old Municipal Stadium in 1976.

Fans of the Baltimore Ravens also got into the act. Only moments after the accident, Revo2001 posted: "HAHA" followed by an expletive. A few hours later CRAVNRAVN posted: "Raven baby are now the favs to claim the division!"

So why do some football fans react in such a crazed manner in the wake of a potential tragedy?

Dr. Paul Friday, the director of clinical psychology at UPMC Shady Side, said the posters of these comments are people with psychological problems whose brains never fully developed.

Friday said the human brain does not fully develop until 25 years of age, which, he said, might explain why Roethlisberger, who is 24, decided to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Friday said the posters are either too young to know better or are people whose brains never completely wired, which can happen due to a number of circumstances, including class and culture.

"The people who are blogging in Cincinnati, they're the ones whose brains never fully develop," Friday said. "They don't perspectivize human tragedy. They don't learn to think effectively. These people are not normal. We're talking about a fringe element. We're dealing with the screaming people who are venting. These are elements that are not representative of their communities. They are representatives of their own minds."

Friday said posters on Internet message boards hide behind their keyboards and write things they would never have the courage to say aloud in public. He said posters who write tasteless messages use football and the rivalries between teams as a way of getting out their aggression in a non-violent manner. It's not necessarily a new phenomenon, just one that is more evident because of the instant communication that is available via the Internet.

"We have a degree of transference on sports figures," Friday said. "It's a way of vicariously going to battle. People can blog and send thoughts, and feel a self-induced empowerment."

The Steelers' success also is part of the equation, he said. If the Steelers had not won the Super Bowl in February, people would not post such vitriolic messages. The Steelers are kings of the mountain, and their players are being transformed from humans into symbols, waiting to be knocked from their high perch.

"We identify with our champions," Friday said. "Maybe 3,000 years ago when we were still throwing rocks at each other, the Davids wanted to hit the Goliaths between the eyes. Every year now, we anoint a new Goliath. And we are the new Goliath after winning the Super Bowl.

"Our heroes are no longer humans. They're symbols. Ben is no longer Mrs. Roethlisberger's son or someone who is coming to dinner. He is someone who represents the wars that take place. And there are no bigger wars than the ones that take place in the 5 1/2 inches between our ears."


(Ray Fittipaldo can be reached at rfittipaldo@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1230. )

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As the news and pictures were posted on internet Web sites, Bengals backers at Bengalsforum.com made light of the fact that the Steelers' quarterback had sustained severe injuries, with many of them proclaiming that justice had been served.

Another poster with the handle jjakg27 wrote: "What comes around ..."

First of all the site is Bengalszone.com not Bengalsforum.com.

Secondly, thanks for noticing.

As one of the moderators, we endured a difficult post-game and week of "de-trolling" the site of Pittsburgh fans after Palmer's injury. In fact the most members that we ever online in one day was 242 which was the day after the playoff game on January 9th. I wonder why?

My comment was meant as a jab at the Steeler punks that posted their trash. Many were gloating over the fact that Carson got hurt, among other things. Some of these people would embarrass Mike Tyson. In fact, we have created a "Troll" designation just because of their actions.

Personally I don't have a problem with Ben and was quite bothered when the story broke. I posted it because many people in Cincinnati have the same feelings about him because of the Miami U connection. I hope that he makes a full recovery. It is funny to read posts from Steelers fans on other sites. All they seem to care about is when Ben might be able to play again. As if he were a piece of meat. He is a person after all. One that is lucky to be alive.

So perhaps Mr. Fittipaldo, if you decide to visit us again, you should take a look at the posts on and immediately after January 8 in the Smack Section. Don't prejudge us without looking in the mirror, so to speak.

Please PM me if you would like to continue to discuss this.

First of all the site is Bengalszone.com not Bengalsforum.com.

"Brownsboard.com" doesn't appear to exist, either; the link in Ray's story just takes you to one of those BS search sites.

So big props there to the PG's fact-checkers. :lol:

Overall, though, all I can say is: nice drive-by slimeing, Ray. Ignore the fact that the vast majority of posts expressed sympathy for Ben and hopes he would fully recover and take quotes out of context. Obviously another graduate of the Ann Coulter school of journalism.


Dr. Paul Friday, the director of clinical psychology at UPMC Shady Side, said the posters of these comments are people with psychological problems whose brains never fully developed.

Friday said the human brain does not fully develop until 25 years of age, which, he said, might explain why Roethlisberger, who is 24, decided to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Friday said the posters are either too young to know better or are people whose brains never completely wired, which can happen due to a number of circumstances, including class and culture.

"The people who are blogging in Cincinnati, they're the ones whose brains never fully develop," Friday said. "They don't perspectivize human tragedy. They don't learn to think effectively. These people are not normal. We're talking about a fringe element. We're dealing with the screaming people who are venting. These are elements that are not representative of their communities. They are representatives of their own minds."

Friday said posters on Internet message boards hide behind their keyboards and write things they would never have the courage to say aloud in public. He said posters who write tasteless messages use football and the rivalries between teams as a way of getting out their aggression in a non-violent manner. It's not necessarily a new phenomenon, just one that is more evident because of the instant communication that is available via the Internet.

"We have a degree of transference on sports figures," Friday said. "It's a way of vicariously going to battle. People can blog and send thoughts, and feel a self-induced empowerment."

Is this guy serious?

One question buddy...

If our brains are not fully developed until the age of 25, then why is the legal age to be an adult 18?

The government seems to assume the brain is smart enough at that age to be able to wholy tell the difference between right and wrong.

Now, you have Benny R who's riding around town with no lisence at all, on a crotch rocket with no helmet. And he's doing this because "his brain is not fully developed"?

Ben has the mental capacity to understand an entire NFL playbook, but not enough capacity to know the rules of road?

Development and STUPID are 2 very different things sir.

This guy has done nothing but make himself a laughing stock within the medical community.

As for the classless comments.

If something like this had happened on the field, there would be the "true" sickos, but most of us don't wish to see ANY player hurt during a game. The circumstances in a football game are uncontrollable and there for any injury is tragic.

But when you just add everything up in Ben's situation. The guy simply deserves to be made fun of. Being thick headead about a helmet, saying he doesn't ride croctch-rockets and that he rides in a groups, and all this after KWII wrecked his.

Then whats he do? Wrecks his CROCTH-ROCKET, while riding without a helmet and no lisence and wrecks.

Ben deserves no pity from anyone.

And one last thing....

I wonder what the city of Pitt would have been saying had this happened to Carson Palmer instead of Ben. Would you write this same article about why your hometown folk are trashing Carson?

I bet not.

Your article would be entitald "Palmer, what a moron."

You may think you're right in your mind, but the rest of the world is laughing at you.


I, also, would love to talk to this writer. Add the Dr. from UPMC to the list as well. Brains never fully develop? I am nearly 40 years old, wife and two lovely children. I have a terrific high tech job, doing, I am confident, much better than Mr. Fittipaldo. I have two undergraduate degrees, one in Computer Science and the other in Mathematics. I am currently pursuing a graduate degree while holding down a fulltime job as well as starting my own computer-related business. I love sports, and enjoy the banter and all that comes with that. Brain not fully developed? The Dr. knows this just based upon one contributing to a message board? Man, I would have fun talking to both him and Mr. Fittipaldo.

For Mr. Fittipaldo ... please get hold of me. I have lived in Pittsburgh for 16 LONG years. I have experienced first hand how absolutely unkind, rude, and, dare I say, ANGRY Steeler fans continue to be. They have treated me and my family about as bad as one can imagine. And why? Well, simply because we "are not Steeler fans". Ask Marvin Lewis' parents. They have themselves stated that folks around here are about as tough as it comes in how they treat outsiders in terms of which team you support. Ridiculous. Your article was absolutely one of the most biased, unfair, and one-sided pieces of text that I have seen in some time. I dare you to look through the Steelers' message board archives for what was stated at the time of Carson's injury. I know, also, that we can easily find the same from this board's archive. This article, sir, was one of the most unprofessional write-ups about a fanbase that I have seen in some time. I find it most interesting how you overlooked the numerous kind 'get-well wishes' from so many on this board. Simply unprofessional and deceitful. If you have a professional bone in your body, you will post the 'good' found here ... and please contact me personally ... just post a message to me and I will be happy to talk to you personally. I, sir, do not hide behind a name on a board. I have more negative experiences to share about Pittsburgh fans than anyone you have ever met. I would love for my story to be shown to all. Then, sir, we will know who the 'insensitive fans' really are. I suspect I will never hear from you because you, like all of Pittsburgh fans, are afraid of the truth to get out.

I, also, would love to talk to this writer. Add the Dr. from UPMC to the list as well.

Yeah, this guy appears to be a piece of work as well. A quick search reveals that he's the go-to doc for Pitt writers when they do a "fan psychology" piece. Here's one from 2004: http://www.pghsports.com/2004-Issues/psr0407/04070109.html

And clearly the "super fan" (the face painter, the cheese-head wearer, the cape wearer, the dog mask guy, the guy who modifies his El Camino into a "Raider Mobile") takes his personal game in the stands to new heights for a reason. It's his way to think he's connecting with his athlete heroes and the team he holds so dear. He takes credit when the team wins by referring to the victory in terms of "we." He deflects blame when the team loses by using the word "they" and he calls for the beheading of the coach.

But Dr. Paul Friday, the director of clinical psychology at UPMC Shadyside, says this kind of behavior is actually...get this... healthy.

"People have a way of relieving the stress of their lives. And if they paint up, so long as no one is getting hurt, then I think it's just wonderful. They are being human," says Dr. Friday, "They are going to go back to work Monday morning knowing that they have relieved some of the life stress that built up from the week before. I see it as basically innocent."

Okay, let me get this straight: in 2004, a guy who calls for the "beheading of the coach" is "basically innocent," but now someone who refers to Ben's injury as "karma" does not have a fully developed brain? Who's :wacko: now?

(PS - note to PG fact-checkers: it's "Shadyside" not "Shady Side." Strike 3.)

Who is Doc Friday? Well, he has his own lil' promotional site here: http://www.fridayslaws.com/author.html for his "critically acclaimed book," Friday's Laws: How to Become Normal When You're Not and How to Stay Normal When You Are

And what are "Friday's Laws" you might ask? Well, here's No. 1:

Life is difficult.


It gets better with No. 2:

Perception is reality.

Man, I am telling you, hold the freaking phone! Socrates? Plato? IDIOTS! Clearly we have here one of the great thinkers of all time!

Okay, I know, I'm only demonstrating my undeveloped brain, but frankly after two minutes of reading about this guy all I could think of was Richard Dreyfuss' character in What About Bob?. :lol:


Don't even try to reason with this guy. He is obviously writing the article to appease his Pitt brethren. He is way off base in the first place, implying that a majority of opposing fans were pleased Ben got hurt.

So don't even waste your time. For Chrissakes he is trying to police what is said on the internet! That is like trying to mow a lawn with scissors. It is a futile effort. Plus he is wrong in his assertions anyway.

Oh and the article looks like it was written by a frustrated teenager too. He used the word "perspectivize", which in reality, isn't a freaking word. Nice writing skills there...


:lmao: Like I said, you just can't make this s**t up :lmao:

The most complete. one sided, homer fans in the entire UNIVERSE. Hypocritical sumbitches :lmao:

These writers and fans just use what suits them at the proper time. It's almost(not almost, EXACTLY) like their saying it's OK for them to act like jerks and morons, but don't you dare say something about the Squeelers*(i love the asterix, OX)

But what do I know, either my brain's not fully developed, I'm too stupid, or I'm hiding behind my keyboard :lmao:

I'm at work so I don't have the time right now, but would someone please post some of the january comments from the Squeeler* fans. I've bought a dozen eggs and I'm looking to smear them in some Squeeler* face :D

:lmao: Like I said, you just can't make this s**t up :lmao:

The most complete. one sided, homer fans in the entire UNIVERSE. Hypocritical sumbitches :lmao:

These writers and fans just use what suits them at the proper time. It's almost(not almost, EXACTLY) like their saying it's OK for them to act like jerks and morons, but don't you dare say something about the Squeelers*(i love the asterix, OX)

But what do I know, either my brain's not fully developed, I'm too stupid, or I'm hiding behind my keyboard :lmao:

I'm at work so I don't have the time right now, but would someone please post some of the january comments from the Squeeler* fans. I've bought a dozen eggs and I'm looking to smear them in some Squeeler* face :D

And the guy wonders why other fans might stray from decency when something like this happens to the Steelers.


If interested, I would be VERY HAPPY to put together a professional, well-written response to this particular article. Like most major newspapers, the PG surely has a "Letters to the Editor" section. Given that I am a resident, they *may* take what I have to say in response to this. Obviously, I want to include the best examples of Steeler fans doing likewise. I think of examples such as the name 'KimoTherapy'. I will also very much make the point that even such names don't bother me that much ... hey, it's a message board! Seriously, if you start applying fans comments, etc. to everyday life, well, life will become pretty screwed-up. Anyway, I will be happy to collect the information that folks have to offer and do as good a job as I can to put something professional together. Just a thought ... or I can just ignore jerks like this, which also tends to make sleeping at night a lot easier.



TO QUOTE:"The ill will toward Roethlisberger and the Steelers was not confined to Cincinnati cyberspace. Message boards from around the NFL were filled with tasteless comments about Roethlisberger and the accident. At The brownsboard.com, a Cleveland Browns fan site, one poster dubbed the quarterback "Ben Toothlessberger" and noted that he is now "right at home with all those Pittsburgh inbreds."



AND I QUOTE:"Friday said the human brain does not fully develop until 25 years of age, which, he said, might explain why Roethlisberger, who is 24, decided to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Friday said the posters are either too young to know better or are people whose brains never completely wired, which can happen due to a number of circumstances, including class and culture."

I GUESS THIS IS WHY..............


"The people who are blogging in Cincinnati, they're the ones whose brains never fully develop," Friday said. "They don't perspectivize human tragedy. They don't learn to think effectively. These people are not normal. We're talking about a fringe element. We're dealing with the screaming people who are venting. These are elements that are not representative of their communities. They are representatives of their own minds." I HAVE PERSPECTIVISED HUMAN TRAGEDY MORE THAN YOU KNOW WORKING IN ER TRAUMA WHILE WORKING ON MY MASTER'S DEGREE.




Thanks for the heads up jj!!

Hey duus, Id be more than happy for you to sit down and write a reply up, since I know mine went straight to the garbage bin..Im totally mis quoted in that piece of s**t that he wrote. The man takes words from a couple of posts combines them, and it makes look like Im glad that Ben was injured..


I want the three minutes it took me to read that back. I mean really, what a waste of time.

"These people on these internet message boards are callous and their brains don't function properly!"

Uh, yea....no kidding. Welcome to 2006.

I guess it was a slow news day at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. :rolleyes:


Don't write s**t to that guy. The editor doesn't care so much about the content, the article is obviously written to stir up some controversey, and to show how arrogant and pompous steelers fans are. Don't feed this guy's ego, he doesn't care whether he's right or wrong, just stirring s**t up


First, for the most part, everyone was wishing him well and not being asshats about it, but pointing out that he made a very poor (STUPID) decision.

Second, there was no mention of the talk we had to endure and the conduct of their fans when Carson went down due to a questionable hit by one of THEIR players.

Third, when it comes to Pittsburgh, it's SH*T like this that makes people make the comments that are getting the attention like this. It also compels me to utter two wonderful words in response...

F*CK YOU !!! :finger::finger::finger:



At least the story has been edited to correct the names of the message boards in question. Welcome to all Pitt fans who followed the link! :cheers: Unfortunately, a quick look through our thread on Ben's accident will show your boy Ray is full of s*it.

Thanks for the heads up jj!!

Hey duus, Id be more than happy for you to sit down and write a reply up, since I know mine went straight to the garbage bin..Im totally mis quoted in that piece of s**t that he wrote. The man takes words from a couple of posts combines them, and it makes look like Im glad that Ben was injured..

No problemo Crav. It looks like he didn't even identify your site which is always good journalistic practice. For the rest of the Bengalszone folks, Cravnravn's site is extremeravens.com.


Perception is reality.

Man, I am telling you, hold the freaking phone! Socrates? Plato? IDIOTS! Clearly we have here one of the great thinkers of all time!

Okay, I know, I'm only demonstrating my undeveloped brain, but frankly after two minutes of reading about this guy all I could think of was Richard Dreyfuss' character in What About Bob?. :lol:

Perception is reality.

Man, I am telling you, hold the freaking phone! Socrates? Plato? IDIOTS! Clearly we have here one of the great thinkers of all time!

Okay, I know, I'm only demonstrating my undeveloped brain, but frankly after two minutes of reading about this guy all I could think of was Richard Dreyfuss' character in What About Bob?. :lol:

Forgive me for the double quote, but sometimes effect can't be sacrificed....I believe that too is one of Dr. Friday's Laws. :cheers:

All of this reminds me of the real doctor (Dr. Jaw perhaps) fondling the human skull at the hospital press conference for Big Bozo yesterday as he explained that the "What About Ben?" aspect of this accident did not entail a liquid diet.

I was hoping he would address the skull directly with something like, "Alas, Poor Yorrickberger." You know, something void of class and culture despite the Doc's undoubtedly successful practice and first-rate intelligence -- of course I'm talking about the real doctor, not Joe Friday-Dreyfuss the low-rent pop psychologist.

But perception is reality is quite a 12-cent turn of phrase, eh? I've got by two words to add about perception:

Big Bozo

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