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If carson stays healthy and has the career that most people think he can have, Do we think that this combo can come close to Manning to Harison? I think it wil be a tough feat to accomplish but we have 2 of the most skilled people at thier respected positions. If longevity and health are on side we have as good a shot as any to catch them!! Food for thought?


Very interesting question :sure: If your variables stay true, I say there's no doubt, as long as you allow Chad to stay healthy too :P As a matter of fact, it'd be easy once you do the math. I thought I saw a recent interview somewhere and Chad said he wanted to play until 40. We;ve already got em bothed locked up for awhile, so barring health, I'd say no problem


Yeah, I think they can. Still, Chad has never been a guy to catch a lot of touchdowns so far in his career. He'll have to get a move on soon if they have any hope of comparing statisically to those two.


Gonna be hard but possible

I see them more as 2nd place because right off the bat marvin had 12 tds and has had atleast 10+TD's sense

Marvin also got togather with peyton in his 3rd year vs Chad who connected with carson his 4th year...Marvin is also in his 11th year with no signs of slowing down so far


No chance. First of all Harrison and Manning are still playing together. Secondly, Chad would have to have double digit TD catches for several years. He hasn't done it yet and is in his prime. The last 3 years when Chad led the AFC in receiving yards, he lost ground to the Harrison-Manning TD combo.


Carson has so many targets in this offense, the passes get spread out a ton. God forbid we actually get a TE that can do more than one thing and is a stellar pass catcher.

Seriously, there are mad targets in this offense !!!


Carson has so many targets in this offense, the passes get spread out a ton. God forbid we actually get a TE that can do more than one thing and is a stellar pass catcher.

Seriously, there are mad targets in this offense !!!


Manning has plenty of weapons on offense too but carson would have too throw 40+tds a season with 12-20 too chad every year ....just probbley wont happen also chad would have to play more seasons then marvin to pass him which also I doubt will happen marvins in his 11year and still looks to have plenty of gas left in his tank


I think they can put up (season) numbers similar to Manning/Harrison but I don't think they will ever have a chance to surpass them. I would love to see it done but Palmer/Johnson would need to have astronomicly high numbers to catch up plus, How many years are Manning/Harrison going to be playing yet? If Harrison ends up retiring sooner than later...it would maybe help. But I doubt it. I think Carson and Chad could take a nice and comfortable #2 spot on that list though.

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