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Does anyone think that 10-0 would have been different


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I doubt it, but you never know. 10-0 or even 14-0 early, doesn't make Pittsburgh abandon the run. They still would have shoved it down their throats. It may have allowed the Bengals to be a little bit more conservative and maybe Carson would not have thrown the 2 picks, but the bottom line is they whipped them on both lines and deserved to win the game.

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Yeah they whipped us, but I like to be the optimist, we had a bad game, a couple things here or there would have made a difference. Like on the Willie Parker TD, what if Odell didnt get knocked off, he could have gotten to willie parker. Or on 3rd and 4 in the middle of the third qtr, if the Bus hadnt kept fighting for yards after his foreward progress was stopped and the bengals thought that they stopped him. And if Chad's TD was ruled "inconclusive evidence" instead of No TD.

Dont give up, a few things here or there made a huge difference. We were able to move the ball on them early. We can beat them. They're a good team but, They're human.

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Yes... I think being up 10-0 or 14-0 changes the game drastically. Pittsburgh maybe doesn't abandon the run... but they can't do it the way they did. They were intentionally abusing the time of possession stat. We couldn't get the ball... we couldn't get in any rhythm.

If we have a 10 point lead after half-time, they don't have that opportunity, because they need to score... not just keep us from scoring. Instead, we turned what should have been 17 points into 6.

They gained confidence and momentum after we had drives that should have put them on their heels. So... no they wouldn't have abandoned the run... but they would have needed to score points... and that would have kept them from doing those 7 minute drives that killed us. If we scored 17 in the first half... we won.

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A touchdown on the opening drive (while early on) would've been a huge lift for the team and the defense playing with a lead. The air just seemed to come out of everyone when Henry dropped that ball in the endzone and then the Shayne shank. The kickoff out of bounds just seemed to add to it and it just continued to get worse. Can we come back on teams to win games ?? Yes, but we are far more lethal when playing with a lead. We do the same thing P-Burg does, get a lead and pound the ball. Our failures in the redzone are appaling at best, something needs to be done. I'll find another thread to talk about how F**KED our run defense was.


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