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Feeley To Start Against Bengals


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...i agree that you all will be better off with feeley in there ...

...the thing about fiedler is he isn't going to make mistakes ... he is very steady ... won't let anything crazy happen on his watch ... while he isn't going to make any great plays he isn't going to turn the ball over either ...the miami d is still very good though ... even with the trade of the unpronouncable one to chicago for booker...

...this should be a game that you guys win & will be a good test to see how your team really stands...


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...i agree that you all will be better off with feeley in there ...

...the thing about fiedler is he isn't going to make mistakes ... he is very steady ... won't let anything crazy happen on his watch ... while he isn't going to make any great plays he isn't going to turn the ball over either ...the miami d is still very good though ... even with the trade of the unpronouncable one to chicago for booker...

...this should be a game that you guys win & will be a good test to see how your team really stands...


I hope you are right. Fiedler certainly made enough mistakes Sat to go around though. Feeley really likes McMicheal, so we will see how well we can cover an up and coming tight end.

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...i agree that you all will be better off with feeley in there ...

...the thing about fiedler is he isn't going to make mistakes ... he is very steady ... won't let anything crazy happen on his watch ... while he isn't going to make any great plays he isn't going to turn the ball over either ...the miami d is still very good though ... even with the trade of the unpronouncable one to chicago for booker...

...this should be a game that you guys win & will be a good test to see how your team really stands...


I hope you are right. Fiedler certainly made enough mistakes Sat to go around though. Feeley really likes McMicheal, so we will see how well we can cover an up and coming tight end.

Yeah, Fiedler looked awful, but I don't think it was entirely his fault. Their entire offense is in shambles right now. Feeley showed that he has potential, but he also showed what everyone else expected Carson to show...he can be easily scared into making bad decisions. He looks good at times, but doesn't have the same steadiness Carson has displayed.

And you're right about McMichael. it will be a good for our linebackers to help cover on the middle yardage passes. It doesn't look like they'll send him deep all that often, but those little 5-8 yard completions can pile up...

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Hey guys,

Dolphin Fan chiming in here.

Feeley is a better QB then Feilder.. Feidler lobs the play and HOPES someone gets the ball.

next week game will be a diffreance then what you saw against the titans. Lamar Gordon will have more time to learn and Feeley will be in the whoel game.

I hope you guys are comfortable with your Corners cause we will probably be testing them out.. Expect to see Chambers and Booker going down deep and across also your LB will get a hell of a workout with McMicheal and Donald Lee dont be to see 2 Tight Ends and we Pass not Run. :)

Looking foward to see if our Defence can stop your Offence. :)

and DAM YOU for not beating the Jets I was routing for you :P

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Feidler lobs the play and HOPES someone gets the ball

Sounds like Jeff Blake!

Looking foward to see if our Defence can stop your Offence


It should be a good game! I'm just thankful it's not the Shula Bowl anymore! Dave Shula vs Don Shula??? Dave Shula...Head Coach???? Excuse me?????????? What the hell was Mike Brown thinking????

Nope...nope...I'm not going back there. Katie and Mike brought in Marvin.

We're good now!

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as bad as the phins offense is, our defense may be worse. our D will might make feely look like montana. were not goin anywhere if our D doesnt step up.

Now the D isn't that bad....Like I said before, it's not like scrubs lit the D up, Pennington is a superb QB and Martin is a great RB....Feeley doesn't have nearly the weapons to throw to, the Dolphins have a patchwork O-line, and Gordon is still learning this team and how the o-line blocks, he's going to have some more growing pains before he get's better, plus does anyone know if Miami's FB is gonna be playing? Last I heard he was injured. With Miami the team can "cheat" a little by putting more men in the box, they couldn't do that against Pennington throwing to McCareins and Moss.

But if they do light the Bengals D up....My widebody is trying out for the Bengals cause by george I can do a better job of stopping people then the cats out there now.

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Things with the Phins offence is you dont know what your going to get.

The media and Everone else has counted us out.

Weponds? Chris Chambers, Marty Booker, Randy McMicheal are 3 weponds.

Donald Lee is pretty much a carbon copy of McMicheal

and Feeley does have an arm and bounced back from a screw up. :)

I think its going to be a GREAT game and I look foward to it!

Is it Sunday Night yet?

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