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My Perspective...


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Ok, so I've never writen anything for the board of this nature and wanted to take some time to really see where I was as a fan of the Bengals. Yeah, I know Mike Brown and no GM hurt in many areas, but remove them from the equation and what do you see ?? It's a little on the long side so bear with me...

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Ok, so I've never writen anything for the board of this nature and wanted to take some time to really see where I was as a fan of the Bengals. Yeah, I know Mike Brown and no GM hurt in many areas, but remove them from the equation and what do you see ?? It's a little on the long side so bear with me...

Nice job. I think you're pretty much right. I think your on-field observations are accurate.

The sad thing is the fatalism from long-time Bengal fans (such as yourself) who have just accepted that the team will suck as long as Mikey's in charge. You make a fair point, I suppose a losing team is better than no team.

I think at some point the leage ought to do something, since parity is one of the cornerstones of the NFL. The other teams are basically giving Mikey a lot of money because relatively even competition is good for the league and makes all the franchises worth more. He's just pocketing that money. He spends practically nothing on operations outside salaries, and even there he cut veterans to save $10M and put a crap product on the field.

Goddell is a very active commissioner (duh), and he doesn't appear to like the Bengals (double duh). Sometimes I wonder if the real reason he doesn't like Mikey has more to do with his ineffective operation than the dirtbag players. I wouldn't put it past him to start putting the screws to Mikey to start spending his money to field a competitive team - or risk not getting that revenue sharing next time the CBA is up.

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Thanks DCBF... I've been angry enough to make comments about the team NEEDING to leave, but in the grand scheme of things, I really don't want that, just a competetive team. As for the whole parity between the teams, I could have taken another 2 pages of time going into that one and how I would like to see the commissioner do something in regards to how Mike Brown goes about doing things, but I didn't want to waste my time on something that isn't going to change. Sort of like people that think Mike Brown is going to somehow fire himself and step down...

Thanks again...

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